
In February 2017 scholars from History, Law, and Education at the University of Victoria partnered with the Songhees Nation to host a conference “First Nations, Land, and James Douglas: Indigenous and Treaty Rights in the Colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia, 1849-1864” at the Songhees Wellness Centre. Three hundred people, half First Nations, half settler attended.

The 2017 conference commissioned the first ever translations of the treaties into Lekwungen, by Songhees elder Dr. Elmer George and a history of the treaty making by STOLȻEȽ John Elliott Sr. in the SENĆOŦEN language of the W̱SÁNEĆ and its translation back into English. Elmer George and John Elliot were awarded the Meritorious Service Award by the Governor General of Canada in recognition of this work.


Friday Feb 24
11-4pm Tours of Songhees Traditional Territory led by Songhees Knowledge keepers. Meet at Fisherman’s Wharf in James Bay at 9:30am. See Tour page for more information.
6:00 PM Welcome by Songhees Chief Ron Sam and Songhees traditional dancers.
Dinner. Witnesses will be called to respond to the work of the symposium in the last session. Keynote Speaker: Saanich Elder John Elliott.
Saturday Feb 25
8:00am start Breakfast/Welcome
8:30 AM Media Event: Reveal and Introduction of the translation of the Vancouver Island (Douglas) Treaties and presentation to the BC Archives.
Opening Session
1: 9:00-10:30 Lekwungen and WSANEC views of the “Douglas” Treaties.
In this session elders Jim Elliot and Dr. Elmer George from Songhees Nation will discuss the meaning of the treaty text in their languages and what it might have meant to their ancestors. A panel discussion will follow.
BREAK 15 minutes
2: 10:45-12:00 The Kwakiutl View of the Douglas Treaties, Chiefs/Elders of Fort Rupert.
Tom Child, Lands and Resource Manager, Louise Mandell, QC
LUNCH 12:00-1:00 Co-hosted by Arbutus Law
Afternoon Session
3: 1:00-2:15pm Colonial Attitudes and the Settlement of BC.
Dr. Laura Spitz (Cornell Univ.), Dr. Adele Perry (Univ. of Manitoba)
BREAK 15 mins.
4: 2:30-3:45 The Vancouver Island Treaties: English Law and Aboriginal Understandings
Hamar Foster QC (UVic Law), Dr. Janna Promislow (Thompson Rivers Univ.), Dr. Neil Vallance (UVic Law)
BREAK/Overflow time 15 mins.
5: 4:00-5:00pm The End of Treaty Making
Dr. John Lutz (UVic)
Graham Brazier (independent scholar).
Reception Hosted by JFK Law. 5:00-6:00
Dinner on your own.
Sunday - February 26, 2017
8:00-9:00am Breakfast
Opening Session
6: 9:00-10:00am The Missing Huu-ay-aht Treaty. Huu-ay-aht Ta’yii Ha’wilth Tliishin
(Derek Peters), Huu-ay-aht historian Chief Councillor Robert Dennis, Kevin Neary of Traditions Consulting Services.
Before the Douglas Treaties: The Mowachaht confront European Expansion
John Price (UVic), Margarita James (Land of Maquinna Cultural Society)
BREAK 15 mins.
7: 10:15-11:15am Treaty Fishing Rights
Dr. Nick Claxton (Saanich Nation and UVic), Drew Mildon (Woodward and Company).
BREAK/Overflow Time
8: 11:30-12:30 Post-Signing History of the Douglas Treaties.
Raymond Frogner (Archivist, National Truth and Reconciliation Archives), Dr. Neil Vallance (UVic Law).
Sunday Lunch: 12:30 - 1:30
Afternoon Session
9: 1:30-2:45pm Avoiding Treaties: Indian Policy in Mainland BC.
Sarah Pike (MA student, UBC Law), Dr. Keith Carlson (Univ. of Saskatchewan), David Robbins (Woodward and Company).
10: 3:00-4:30pm Wrap-Up
Witnesses called at the dinner on Friday night will be called upon to respond to what they have heard.


For access to all available conference presentations, please follow this link to the Vimeo site (you will be directed away from this webpage). To access specific presentations, please follow the links attached to that presentation below.

Friday Feb 24
6:00pm Welcome by Songhees Chief Ron Sam and Songhees traditional dancers.
Introduction to the conference by Jamie Cassels, president, University of Victoria.
Dinner Witnesses will be called to respond to the work of the symposium in the last session.
Keynote Speaker: Saanich Elder STOLȻEŁ John Elliott Sr.
Moderator: John Lutz (UVic History).
Saturday Feb 25
8:30am Presentation of translations of the Vancouver Island (Douglas) Treaties into SENĆOŦEN and Lekwungen to the Royal British Columbia Museum by STOLȻEŁ John Elliott (WSANEC) and Dr. Elmer George (Songhees).
Opening Session
Session 1
9:00am - 10:30am
An Introduction to the Settler and Indigenous Views of the Vancouver Island (Douglas) Treaties.
Panel discussion with: Elders STOLȻEŁ John Elliott (WSANEC) and Dr. Elmer George (Songhees), John Rice Jr (Songhees), XEMŦOLTW̱ Dr. Nick Claxton (WSANEC and UVic Education), Dr. John Lutz (UVic History)
Moderator: Keith Carlson (University of Saskatchewan History)
10:45am - 12:00
Session 2:
The Kwakiutl View of the Douglas Treaties, Chiefs/Elders of Fort Rupert.
Tom Child, Lands and Resource Manager, Louise Mandell QC, Rupert Wilson, Tony Hunt, Coreen Child
Moderator: Sarah Hunt (Kwakwaka'wakw and UBC Institute for Critical Indigenous Studies)
Afternoon Sessions
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Session 3:
Colonial Attitudes and the Settlement of British Columbia
Dr. Laura Spitz (Cornell Univ.), Dr. Adele Perry (Univ. of Manitoba)
Moderator: John Rice Jr. (Songhees)
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Session 4:
The Vancouver Island Treaties: English Law and Aboriginal Understandings
Hamar Foster QC (UVic Law), Dr. Neil Vallance (UVic Law)
Moderator: Kerry Sloan (Metis Nation of Greater Victoria; Visiting Researcher, USask College of Law)
Break/Overflow 15 mins.
3:15pm - 4:00pm
Session 5:
Before the Douglas Treaties: The Mowachaht Confront European Expansion
Dr. John Price (UVic History), Margarita James (Land of Maquinna Cultural Society)
Moderator: Laura Spitz (Cornell University)
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Session 6:
The End of Treaty Making
Dr. John Lutz (UVic)
Graham Brazier (independent scholar).
Moderator: Neil Vallance (UVic Law)
Sunday - February 26, 2017
Morning Sessions
9:00am - 10:00am
Session 7:
The Missing Huu-ay-aht Treaty.
Tliishin Derek Peters - Huu ay aht Ta’yii Ha’wilth (Head Hereditary Chief), Emchayiik Robert Dennis Sr. (Huu ay aht Chief Councillor and Huu ay aht Historian), Kevin Neary (Traditions Consulting Services Inc.)
Moderator: Chelsea Horton (Independent Scholar)
Break 15 mins.
10:15am - 11:15am
Session 8:
Treaty Fishing Rights
XEMŦOLTW̱ Dr. Nick Claxton (WSANEC and UVic Education), Drew Mildon (Woodward and Company).
Moderator: Hamar Foster (UVic Law)
Break/Overflow Time
11:30am - 12:30pm
Session 9:
Post-Signing History of the Douglas Treaties.
Raymond Frogner (Director of Archives, National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation), Genevieve Weber (RBCM), Dr. Neil Vallance (UVic Law), Robert Janes (JFK Law)
Afternoon Sessions
1:30pm - 2:45pm
Session 10:
Avoiding Treaties: Indian Policy in Mainland BC.
Sarah Pike (LL.M. student, UBC), Dr. Keith Carlson (Univ. of Saskatchewan), Sonya Morgan (Woodward and Company).
Moderator: Adele Perry (U Manitoba History)
3:00pm - 4:30pm
Session 11:
Witnesses called at the dinner on Friday night will be called upon to respond to what they have heard.
Witnesses: Robert Clifford YELḰÁTŦE (WSÁNEĆ and Osgoode Hall Law School), Stephen Hume, Maxine Matilpi (Kwakiutl) and Douglas White III (Snuneymuxw).
Moderator: XEMŦOLTW̱ Dr. Nick Claxton (WSANEC and UVic Education)


Photos from the conference "First Nations, Land and James Douglas: Indigenous and Treaty Rights in the Colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia, 1849-1864", held February 24th – 26th (Victoria, BC). Spencer Pickles photographer.

Conference Organizers

The archived version of the original conference site can be viewed here.

The First Nations, Land, and James Douglas: Indigenous and Treaty Rights in the Colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia, 1849-1864 conference (February 2017) was organized jointly by the Songhees First Nation and the University of Victoria History Department and Faculty of Law.

The organising committee was Graham Brazier (Independent Scholar), Cheryl Bryce (Songhees), Nick Claxton (UVic Education), Peter Cook (UVic History), Hamar Foster (UVic Law), John Lutz (UVic History), John Rice Jr. (Songhees), Mark Salter (Songhees), Neil Vallance (UVic Law).

The Conference Co-ordinators were Sarah Taekema and Mark Salter.

The video team was Jeff Tanaka and Sean MacPherson.

Thank you!

Thank you! The Organizing Committee want to express our sincere thanks to elders John Elliot and Elmer George for their translations of the treaties and to John Elliot for his keynote speech. We express our gratitude to the witnesses: Stephen Hume, Maxine Matilpi, Douglas White III, and Robert Clifford. We also want to thank Chief Ron Sam of the Songhees Nation, President Jamie Cassels, Dean of Humanities Chris Goto-Jones, and Dean of Law Jeremy Webber, and the History Department from the University of Victoria for their support.

Major funding for this conference was provided by the Social Sciences and Research Council of Canada and the Te’mexw Treaty Association, the Songhees First Nation, the University of Victoria and the following firms: Frey and Company, JFK Law, Arbutus Law Group, and Woodward and Company. We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Royal BC Museum for the very special loan of the original Vancouver Island (Douglas) Treaties and the Asian Canadians on Vancouver Island project for support with videotaping the conference.